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By completing your order, you're effectively agreeing to the following terms:
1) Receipt – You will get a receipt with every purchase you make. If you don't, please reach out at so that one can be sent your way. Good documentation makes things easier and more transparent for both of us.
2) Cancellations & Refunds – All sales are final. While I offer the option to reschedule, I do not offer any refunds. So please be 100% sure that you want what you're ordering before completing checkout. If you're not certain about whether an audit is the perfect fit for you, please send an email to before you buy and I'll do my absolute best to help.
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Conversion-Focused Website Audit$997

Here's what you get:

  • One in-depth video audit of 3 pages of your website 
  • One detailed report with key recommendations based on conversion-focused messaging & UX design best practices
  • New or optimized copy for one critical section of your website (comes with a wireframe for rapid implementation)
  • One 30-min live Q&A call to answer any questions you may have about your audit
  • PLUS one week of email support for any post-audit Qs

  • Total payment
  • 1xConversion-Focused Website Audit$997

All prices in USD

"Ralitsa is a highly-skilled conversion copywriter; someone who thinks with her brain and consults with her heart. I feel lucky and blessed to have had the opportunity to benefit from her level of mastery and craftsmanship."

Rohan C.
Managing Partner, BUZZVALVE
